Jana and Amanda gave me a baby shower last week. I had a great time. What more do you need then food, friends, and presents!! ;) Thanks so much to all those who helped and attended. I received some cute cloths and other items. Now it is starting to feel a bit more real that there is a baby girl coming. ;)
I apologize if these next pictures gross you out, but I am still trying to prove the point that I am huge!! ;) I will never give up. The top pic is of me prego with the boys at 34 wks. The bottom one is of me prego with Addison at 33wks. You be the judge. I just don't understand how one baby can make your belly just as big as two babies. But who knows. I guess that is just the way it is. I do have front shots of my bellies, but they are a little more disturbing and I didn't want anyone to vomit. ;)
And finally a couple pics of my beautiful boys. I have been bloging so much about me lately, I thought I would give them a little air time. They are getting so big and handsome. They are going to be great big brothers. Love Them!!!!