Wednesday, March 11, 2009

IT's A......

We are so excited!! We had our ultrasound today and everything looks great. We saw her legs, toes, arms, fingers, face (which is a bit freaky in the ultrasound :). The first pic is of her profile and her hand (I think) and the second is of her profile and her knee. She was giving the tech a hard time because she was in a weird position. So now I get to get rid of all my boy cloths. Anyone need any?? hehe


Heather said...


Ashlie said...

YAY! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet her. If she's anything like her brothers she'll be adorable!

Sunny Duron said...

Yeah!! Congrats - I still don't know how to make one of those!! haha

Suzann said...

That is sooooo exciting! You're going to have so much fun with a girl!

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

Good for you! Congrats!

Marci said...

Yea!!!!!!!! No more hoping needed! I'm so excited for you guys!

The Blaine gang said...

righteous living? How do you get what you ask for? :) Congratulations!!!! You better keep the boy clothes, the babies might keep coming... :) We are the opposite of you guys. The first three came real fast, but now we can't seem to get another one here. Most days three is plenty for me though!

Misty said...

Yeah...Boy clothes, let me know what ya have. I have a 2 year old boy.

Baylee said...

Yah!!!! Im SO excited for you guys! What a sweet addition she will make to your family! Girls rock!!!

Elle said...

Hey Elisha - I started a blog! Check it out...

See ya!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...


(repeat and repeat congrats here!)

My sister is coming to visit this Tuesday and she is having a boy due in June (her first child). l would love for my sister to have some boy clothes and stuff if you need to get rid of them.

Camille said...

Congratulations, we are so darn excited for you guys.

Cope Family said...

How exciting! A little girl; hopefully you won't get a surprise; I had a friend told she was having a girl and it came out a boy. I'd keep a few baby boy items just in case. Congratulations either way and that is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

hey Elisha!!!! I'm so happy for you!have you picked out a name yet? any ideas? i have a great idea for one. my friend always says for a person to name their baby Madison.(which is her name.)for short, we call her Madie. Congratulations!(i am the greatest niece ever!)hhee!love you! feel well!

Sheri said...

CONGRATULATIONS ELISHA AND MICAH ON YOUR WONDERFUL NEWS OF HAVING A GIRL!!! Wow, that sounds cool-girl girl girl girl. ha ha. Now you'll have someone to shop w/ all throughout life! whoo hoo!!