Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We Did it All By Ourselves

Some of you have already heard, but if not, I am prego!! With no outside help, well other then Micah. ;) I am 13.5 weeks along, so a ways to go. But feeling pretty good. So please pray really hard that this one is a girl!!!! :)


Kim said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations! I'll say a prayer for a girl.

Ashlie said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Heather said...


Suzann said...

That is fantastic news! Congratulations! I'm hoping you get a girl! They're just so much fun!

The Easton Family said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic! and even if it isn't a girl, boys are great! :)

laura said...

I just heard! Congratulations!! Oh and don't worry about the potty training. They will do it when they are ready. I have learned not to push :)

The Blaine gang said...

YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! That's great news! And the fact that you are "feeling pretty good" at 13.5 weeks is miracle #2! :) Love, Jen

kristin said...

I hope it's a girl too! They're just funner to dress. You really shouldn't put hair bows in boy hair you know?
And just think, you're suddenly going to realize that stores cater to girls FAR MORE than they do the opposite sex. When Teaghan was little I think she had more shoes than I did!
Congrats again!!!

Marci said...

I'm just going to say congratulatlions again!!!

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations!!! I am so happy for you! I hope you continue to feel well =).

Brooke said...

Elisha, congratulations! I just read your news and was so excited to hear that. I'm glad you're feeling well, hope it continues

jbizatt said...

That is so awesome Elisha! I'm so happy for you and Micah. Girls are definitely a blast!

Colleen said...

That is SO wonderful!! Congratulations!! Isn't it just amazing all you/we go through to just get "one" and then all of a sudden our bodies decide to start working on their own!? :) It's fantastic! Keep us posted!!! :)

The Kemps said...

Oooooo!!! So exciting!! Congrats!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Congratulations! I hope you get your girl!

Cope Family said...

Congratulations my friend. I'm very excited for you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Janei said...

Hooray! Congratulations, that's wonderful!