Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm Home

I know you are all sitting at the edge of your computer waiting for my blog to have a new post about my trip, but you will just have to wait a bit longer. ;) Our flight home on Sunday was canceled due to snow, yes snow. So we didn't get home until yesterday and I am still tired. Currently it is 10:51pm London time and I am ready for bed. To bad it is only 2:51pm here and I have to stay awake to take care of my boys. Who, by the way, have grown tons. Well at least it seems that way after not seeing them for a week. Anyway, So once I get caught up and feel awake, I will post some pics and tell you about my trip. So for now, all I have to say is.... I love the USA!!!!


The Easton Family said...

I'm so glad to finally hear from you! I didn't know you were in England and I was getting impatient. Did you sister-in-law tell you that I commented on her blog just so that she'd tell you to contact me? And then Melissa left me a comment because she saw mine on hers, etc. etc. Anyway, glad to hear from you. Judging from the jet-lag, you're probably in bed, so I'll write you a nice lengthy e-mail tomorrow probably. Love ya--glad we're in touch again. Blogging rocks!

kristin said...

Yes, that would be my e-mail, and it's all good! I'm excited for the pics and thanks for the goodies from England. Doug loves his hat!! hang in there till the time change wears off. Those boys will keep you hopping!

TheBassettBunch said...

Hey Girl! It was fun to get to spend just a little time with you! I wish it was more but maybe we'll see you in May? Hope you are recovering from your trip! YOUR BOYS ARE GREAT!!!!Thanks for letting me help!